Ordered in the morning, shipped immediately!
Over 100,000 satisfied customers


Table of Contents
§ 1 General, scope
§ 2 conclusion of contract
§ 3 payment, due date, late payment
§ 4 delivery
§ 5 protection of minors
§ 6 retention of title
§ 7 prices
§ 8 Withdrawal and revocation
§ 9 warranty
§ 10 limitation of liability
§11 Applicable law and place of jurisdiction
§ 12 contract text storage
§ 13 data protection declaration

§ 1 General, scope
(1) The following general terms and conditions regulate the contractual relationship between meilon GmbH (operator of homeliving.de, lichterkettenshop24.de, dobi.de, fpv24.com/.de, luminara-kerzen.de, hobby24.com, ledkerzen24.de, meyersflowerbox .de, ahrwein.com hereinafter referred to as "meilon") and the consumers and entrepreneurs (hereinafter referred to as "buyers") who purchase the goods from meilon. The version valid at the time the contract is concluded is decisive. The contract language is German.

(2) Consumers within the meaning of these terms and conditions are natural persons who enter into business relationships with meilon without this being attributable to their commercial or independent professional activity.

Entrepreneurs within the meaning of these terms and conditions are natural and legal persons or partnerships with legal capacity who enter into a business relationship with meilon in the course of their commercial or independent professional activity.

§ 2 conclusion of contract
Your order represents an offer to meilon to conclude a purchase contract. If you place an order, we will immediately send you an email with the confirmation and the content of your order (order confirmation). This order confirmation is intended to inform you that we have received your order, but does not constitute acceptance of your offer. A purchase contract is only concluded when meilon sends the ordered goods to you and confirms the shipment with a second email (Shipping confirmation).

If you order several goods that require shipping in several packages, you will receive a separate shipping confirmation for each individual package. A separate purchase contract is concluded for each product listed in the respective shipping confirmation, insofar as they are not related contracts within the meaning of § 358 BGB.

§ 3 payment, due date, late payment
(1) Payment for the goods is made in accordance with meilon's payment terms.

(2) The purchase price is to be paid immediately after conclusion of the contract, if delivery by cash on delivery has not been selected.

(a.) If the buyer is in default of payment, he is responsible for any negligence. He is also liable for chance because of the service, unless the damage would have occurred even if the service was performed in good time.

(b.) The purchase price is to be paid interest during the delay. The default interest rate for the year is five percentage points above the base rate. For legal transactions in which a consumer is not involved, the interest rate is eight percentage points above the base rate.

(3) If delivery by cash on delivery has been chosen and the customer does not collect and pay for it so that the goods are returned to us, we are entitled to request a processing fee of EUR 25.00 for each return delivery. This does not apply if the customer is a consumer and has exercised his right of withdrawal in good time.

(4) The assertion of further damage is not excluded.

§ 4 delivery
(1) Subject to our payment terms listed above, delivery will be made immediately after conclusion of the contract to the address given by the buyer. An exception to this is the selected payment method PayPal. The delivery address deposited by PayPal at the time of payment is decisive here. Delivery does not take place before the time specified in the item description under "available:". We would like to point out that the delivery times stated in the article description are approximate and guide values.

Immediate availability of the item is indicated by a small green traffic light in the item description. In this case, the delivery time is one to three days. The article is out of stock for yellow and red traffic lights. However, it has been ordered and will generally be delivered as soon as we have been delivered. This can take up to 30 days. If we already know a delivery date for which we will be supplied, we will indicate this and then deliver the goods to you within a further one to three days after receipt.

(2) If meilon GmbH determines during processing of the order that products ordered by the buyer are not available, the buyer will be informed of this by separate email. The legal rights of the customer remain unaffected.

(3) Delays in delivery caused by legal or official orders (e.g. import and export restrictions) and for which the seller is not responsible extend the delivery period according to the duration of such obstacles. In important cases, meilon GmbH will inform the customer of their start and end immediately.

§ 5 protection of minors
Brandy and brandy-containing drinks may not be given to children and adolescents (Section 9 (1) no. 1 JuSchG). Other alcoholic beverages (wine and sparkling wine and corresponding mixed drinks) may not be given to young people under the age of 16 (Section 9 (1) No. 2 JuSchG). According to the published legal opinion of the highest state youth authorities regarding (online) mail order business according to the JuSchG, mail order companies must ensure that branded wine is not delivered to minors and other alcoholic beverages to children and adolescents under the age of 16.

We are therefore obliged to use suitable processes, e.g. B. DHL's Ident Check, to have the supplier check the age of majority or the legal age and identity of our customers. In the event of incorrect information or unwillingness to participate in the control, our obligation to deliver does not apply.

In this case, we may also withdraw from the contract and can reimburse you for the costs of the unsuccessful delivery.

§ 6 retention of title
The object of purchase remains the property of meilon until full payment has been made. Pledging, transfer by way of security, processing or remodeling without the seller's express consent is not permitted before the transfer of ownership.

§ 7 prices
The price for the object of purchase specified in the respective offer is the final price including VAT and other price components. The price does not include the delivery and shipping costs, which are shown separately.

§ 8 Withdrawal and revocation
(1) The right to withdraw is based on the statutory provisions unless otherwise specified below.

(2) meilon GmbH reserves the right to withdraw from the contract in the event of incorrect or improper delivery. This only applies if the non-delivery is not the responsibility of meilon GmbH and the latter has concluded a specific cover transaction with the supplier. Meilon GmbH will make all reasonable efforts to procure the ordered goods. In the event of unavailability or only partial availability of the goods, the customer will be informed immediately and any services already performed will be refunded immediately.

(3) Without prejudice to any claims for damages, partial services already rendered are to be invoiced and paid in accordance with the contract in the event of partial cancellation.

(4) As a consumer within the meaning of Section 1 (2), you have a right of withdrawal. The details can be found on the right of withdrawal page.

§ 9 warranty
(1) The statutory warranty provisions of the purchase law apply, unless otherwise stated in the following.

(2) If the purchase is a commercial transaction for meilon and the buyer, the buyer must examine the delivered goods immediately for quality and quantity deviations and notify meilon of any visible defects in writing within one week of receipt of the goods at the latest; Otherwise the assertion of warranty claims is excluded. Hidden defects must be reported to meilon in writing within one week of their discovery. Deadline is sufficient for the timely dispatch. In this case, the buyer bears the full burden of proof for all claim requirements, in particular for the defect itself, for the time at which the defect was discovered and for the timely notification of the defect.

(3) If the purchase is a commercial transaction for the buyer, meilon guarantees defects at its own discretion through rectification or replacement.

(4) The claims of the buyer, for whom the purchase is a commercial transaction, due to defects expire after one year. This limitation period does not apply to claims for damages.

(5) If meilon delivers a defect-free purchase item for the purpose of subsequent performance, meilon can request the buyer to return the defective purchase item.

(6) Damage caused by improper or non-contractual measures by the buyer during installation, connection, operation or storage do not constitute a claim against meilon.

§ 10 limitation of liability
(1) meilon is only liable for damage other than injury to life, limb and health insofar as this damage is based on willful or grossly negligent acts or on culpable violation of an essential contractual obligation by meilon or its vicarious agents. Essential to the contract is a duty, the fulfillment of which enables the proper execution of the contract in the first place and the compliance of which the buyer can regularly rely on. Any further liability for damages is excluded. Claims from a guarantee given by meilon for the quality of the object of purchase and the Product Liability Act remain unaffected.

(2) According to the current state of the art, data communication over the Internet cannot be guaranteed to be error-free and / or available at all times. We are therefore not liable for the availability of our product range at all times, unless expressly agreed otherwise.

§ 11 Applicable law and place of jurisdiction
(1) All disputes arising from this legal relationship are subject to the law of the Federal Republic of Germany. In business transactions with consumers within the European Union, the law at the place of residence of the consumer may also apply, provided that these are mandatory consumer protection regulations. The validity of UN purchasing law is excluded.

(2) If the buyer is a merchant, a legal entity under public law or a special fund under public law, the exclusive place of jurisdiction for all disputes arising from this contract is the registered office of meilon in Sinzig. The same applies if the buyer does not have a general place of jurisdiction in Germany or the place of residence or habitual residence is not known at the time the action is brought.

§ 12 contract text storage
We save the contract text and send you the order data and our terms and conditions by email. You can view and download the terms and conditions at any time here on this page.

§ 13 data protection declaration
Your personal data (name, address, email address) will only be saved and processed by us for the purpose of processing the order and future orders. If you do not wish to be saved, send an email to support@meilon.de.

End of general terms and conditions

As of: September 2019

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